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How to leave on sick leave

Does sick leave mean an inevitable loss of income? How should a disability certificate be issued? In order not to become a victim of errors and not to ask to leave the work at the clinic due to errors in the design of the newsletter, read the tips.

No wallet complications
First of all, let's figure out who will be able to get sick without financial losses, and who will still lose part of their monthly income. The amount received for the period of temporary disability depends on the length of service. This is not the time of work in this organization, but the total length of service during which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) were made for the employee. If such a total length of service is less than 5 years, then during the illness the employee is paid 60% of the average earnings; if from 5 to 8 years - 80%; more than 8 years - 100%. No changes have occurred in this matter, although amendments to the legislation are periodically discussed, according to which only employees with 15 years of experience could count on a 100% payment. Fortunately, the amendments have not yet been adopted.

How to calculate what you can count on when leaving for sick leave? To do this, you first need to calculate your average daily earnings. The calculation takes into account all types of payments provided by the wage system (salary, bonus, bonus, etc.), except for compensation for vacation and sick leave applied by the respective employer.

Step one.
The salary for the previous two calendar years is divided into 730 days. But if your average earnings in the accounting year exceeds the limit set by the state, then everything that you earned in excess of this amount will not be included in the calculation. In 2014, this limit was 624,000 rubles, in 2015 - 670,000 rubles, and in 2016 - 718,000 rubles.

An example for clarity. Let’s try to determine the maximum average daily earnings in accordance with the maximum amount of wages (PSOT). In 2017, the formula for calculating payments for one day on sick leave is as follows: (PSOT for 2015 + PSOT for 2016) / 730. That is (670,000 + 718,000) / 730 = 1,901.37 rubles. Thus, in 2017, for one day of incapacity for work, an employee with a maximum length of service (over 8 years of work) will be paid no more than 1,901.37 rubles.

Step Two
The received amount of average daily earnings is multiplied by the number of days of incapacity for work and by a coefficient depending on the length of service (those same 60, 80 and 100 percent, which were discussed above). 100% will be received by employees whose experience exceeds 8 years. The rest - in accordance with how much time the employer transferred funds to them in the Social Insurance Fund.

Now we consider the length of service, and then to calculate the final amount of payments. To do this, simply add up all the periods of work in accordance with the entries in the work book. In this case, it does not matter whether the experience was interrupted or not.

If in the past two years you changed your job or managed to work part-time, you will calculate the amount of payments according to the same scheme, but taking into account income at the previous place of work. Remember, upon dismissal, the previous employer issued you a certificate of the amount of the salary for which the insurance premiums were calculated? Many people confuse it with a 2-personal income tax certificate, however, when calculating a hospital accountant, it will come from a certificate on the amount of wages. So workers receiving a “gray” salary will once again be convinced of the benefits of fully taxable income.

Why so little?
And yet, when the sick leave is paid, many are perplexed: why so few? The amount is actually slightly less than what came out of the above calculations. What's the matter? In taxes. Payments for sick leave, like any other, are subject to income tax. That is, another 13% has to be deducted from the calculated amount.

And if in the past two years you for some reason did not work or almost did not work, then the accountant will calculate your sick leave based on the minimum wage (federal minimum wage) + district coefficient (if it is installed in your region). The amount, of course, will be very small, but better than nothing. True, there are categories of workers for which an exception has been made: employees who, during the last two years preceding the onset of illness, were on maternity leave or on maternity leave, are entitled to replace the estimated years. That is, to calculate their sick leave, the accountant will take into account the wages for two calendar years before such holidays.

Doctor, write correctly!
In a polyclinic or hospital, not only carefully listen to the doctor’s prescriptions, but also pay attention to whether the so-called incapacity certificate is drawn up correctly for you (colloquially - a bulletin). In case of an error, the personnel department will ask you to return to the medical institution and reissue the document.

We remind you that from July 1, 2011, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n, new sick-letter forms were put into circulation. Experienced staff in the human resources department note that filling out a new form of sick leave still causes difficulties for physicians. So it is better if the patient himself follows the correct execution of the document.

Filling in the fields “Name of the medical organization”, “Place of work”, it is necessary to use generally accepted abbreviations - LLC, FGU, DOU, OJSC, ANO, SC, etc. The name of the organization is written without quotation marks, periods, commas, dashes and number signs. If the name of the organization is too long (over 29 characters), the generally accepted abbreviation is used. Going beyond the boundaries of the field is not allowed, in this case the recording stops.

In the field “Last name and initials of the doctor or identification number”, the initials of the doctor are written after the last name with a space. If the name of the doctor is too long (more than 14 letters), then the initials are not indicated. When you go beyond the information field, recording stops. However, the doctor may indicate his identification number on the sick leave - this will be enough.

Since 2007, the “incapacity certificate” does not indicate the diagnosis. Such amendments were made to the law in connection with the need to protect the human right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution. So the employer will not find out about the severity of your illnesses until you talk about it yourself.

In addition, now the doctor has the right to immediately write out a sheet for 15 days, but only the medical commission has the right to renew it.

As before, you can arrange a sick leave not only when you are ill or injured yourself, but also if you need care for a sick relative or child, as well as in the case of quarantine.

Important: sick leave is provided only to full-time employees of organizations that have an appropriate entry in the workbook.

Sickness or heroism?
So, after all, take sick leave or suffer a disease on the legs, earning complications and infecting colleagues, but not losing an extra penny? As you can easily see, the new rules will practically not affect the remuneration of people with average earnings in the country. And the opinion of doctors is clear: serious diseases, which include, for example, flu, are incompatible with labor feats. So in case of illness it is better to pause. Having drawn up a sick leave and staying at home, you will save your colleagues from a possible infection and recover faster yourself. wholeheartedly wishes you that all this information remains a pure theory for you and is not useful in practice.

Be healthy and work with pleasure!


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